floor removal
We Remove:
Carpet and Carpet Tile
Linoleum and Floor Tile
Hardwood Flooring
Stone and Ceramic
Linoleum and Floor Tile
Hardwood Flooring
Stone and Ceramic
And much more...
At Troya Services we are specialists in flooring removal and concrete surface preparation services. We provide these services using the latest ride-on flooring removal equipment. Removal is completely performed using mechanical methods and no chemicals. Our trained employees and hi-tech equipment have the power to get the job done at a fraction of the time and expense associated with conventional methods.
Meeting Your Floor Covering Removal Needs:
We provide experienced crews to operate state of the art machines.
Flooring Removal Machine:
The Terminator T2000EI offers most of the capabilities of the T-2100Pro floor removal unit in a battery powered machine that's designed for maneuverability. The T2000EI has the added benefit of zero emissions and quiet operation. It is, hands down, the number one seller in Innovatech's Terminator line.
The T-2000EI is the contractors' choice for removal jobs in enclosed areas. The T-2000EI is so clean, quiet and effective it has been used to remove worn rubber floor tiles in a hospital operating room while a patient underwent surgery in the very next operating bay. Depending on job conditions, the T-2000EI will deliver 6 to 7 hours of solid flooring removal work between battery charges - plenty of power to get through an eight hour shift. With an optional extra battery pack the T-2000EI can keep going hour after hour, all day long and into the night, with only minutes of down time required to swap out the batteries.
Support personnel cleanup the debris and removed floor coverings. Debris is collected and placed into containers for offsite disposal.